Keep on truck’n

Yah, that’s how it feels!

I was mostly on track this week thanks to planning ahead and ramping up the cardio to 50 min per gym session. So I achieved a few goals: more cardio at the gym and taking more time to prep and plan food.

That’s the good news! Now for the bad: major binge on Wednesday. My trigger is an early morning treat will totally derail me and of course I started with cookies… .which lead to cake… I think the total calories was about 4,000.

Even though it wasn’t planned and of course disappointing that I’m still letting one unplanned thing de-rail me, it was only a de-rail for the day so that’s progress.

A few days of having to eat cake or some other work related thing but even then I had a way smaller piece than normal. It’s funny, I don’t “have” to eat anything but boy, it’s always nice to have a piece of cake at work.

Goals for next week include keeping up with the 50 min. of cardio but 4 times next week, planning ahead the meals and snacks. And no binges all week.

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